Hab eine Email von einem Hacker bekommen und er hat Passwörter was tun?


Ein hacker hat mir eine email geschickt in den Passwörter, meine hardware, meine ip und etc ist. aber nicht was denke ich großen schaden anrichten könnte.

Er meinte das er ein Miner auf unseren router machen will wenn ich mein epic games account ändere und das er auch die passwörter usw von meinen Geliebten hat und was schlimmes machen kann.

Hier nochmal was er geschrieben hat:

We researched your personal data, your activity and actions on the Internet, we found a lot of interesting things that may shock your friends and relatives. But we stopped at the Fortnite account, it will come in handy for the game.

If something happens to the account, Even after a while, we will launch the miner remotely on the network on your devices, since we have access to your router, and all data from your computer will be uploaded to free access with indexing, any when you enter your name and surname or nickname, will be able to find this data. Thank you for understanding.

If you have any other suggestions, we will be glad to hear from you:


You can reset the router settings, change mail, etc. But we already have your data, and we would really not want to upload it for free access and share this data with your contacts synchronized in online services. Do not expose yourself and your loved ones (whose data is also available).

Dannach hat er noch meine passwörter und so geschickt(die ich natürlich geändert hab).

Was soll ich tun und was nicht?


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